Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Here's the second possible spread for the back cover. I'll probably do a couple more, and then post a poll for people to vote.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The first (almost) blurb

I should have spent the last few days working on possible blurbs (the short introduction on the back cover of a book), but a four day trip to Arizona derailed me. The following is my first submission. It's not really a blurb; it's actually the very first thing I wrote regarding this story, scrawled over two years ago. It was supposed to be the intro to the book, but as much as I loved it, it never really fit as the first page.

So I got to thinking, it might make a great blurb. It needs editing( as I said, it was the first random thoughts that I jotted down when the idea hit me), but check it out and tell me what you think. I still plan on writing a few other possibilities, but consider this the first submission...If you read this while glancing at the back of a book, would you be intrigued enough to make the purchase?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sample Chapter

I'm going to go ahead and publicly pat myself on the back; I write amazing fight scenes. As much as I enjoy them, especially the ones in the second half of "The Black Directive," for unknown reasons, the following sample is possibly my favorite excerpt from the book. It's pretty much the last period of "happiness" before everything takes a decidedly darker turn...

Sample Chapter from "The Black Directive": Teach Me

So, I've always had a problem with most of the books that I've read.

Fantasy being fantasy, the stereotypical character archetype falls inside the lines of "Hagor, the barbarian! Ultimate bad ass, and destroyer of all things evil!"

He may be able to wipe out an entire army with a sweep of his hammer, but how did Hagor become a bad ass? What did he do? How much did he practice? Who taught him the trade?

The following sample is a chapter that shows my main character, Maqui Tomisson, when she is about seventeen years old, learning the skills that will allow her to go off and hunt a whole bunch of wicked shit as she gets older...

Ok, here it is...

This is brand new for me, and for right now I intend to keep it simple. This site, which is by no means intended to be permanent, is for debuting my first novel "The Black Directive." I'm going to attempt to have a full blurb finished tonight, but the basic premise of the story is based in the dark fantasy genre. There's plenty of suspense, growth, dry humor, pain, well as a bunch of bad ass fight scenes that center around a hard ass (but emotionally flawed) female main character with staggering anger issues. The first chapter of the completed manuscript will be posted after the jump, and I plan to put up a few sample chapters shortly. For those of you who do decide to go on this ride with me, be warned: This isn't "Twilight." It isn't "The Hunger Games." It isn't, nor was ever meant to be, some teeny bopper love novel. "The Black Directive" and all of the ensuing novels (of which there are five) is vicious, violent, angry, and fast paced. Many changes to this temporary site are coming, but for now, enjoy...